SPLASH-2 for Solaris on SPARC on Simics
SPLASH-2 is getting a bit outdated, if you're looking for an up-to-date benchmark suite for multicore/multiprocessing research,
consider using
PARSEC which are much more recent
and thus more relevant for research towards future multiprocessors architectures.
On this page, you can download the source code for the SPLASH-2 parallel benchmark suite,
with the following modifications:
- The PARMACS library from UPC
is used with the
threading model
- Threads can be bound to their own processor using Solaris'
system call
- Simics magic instructions were added at the start and end of the parallel section of
each benchmark, allowing you to start/stop measuring at the right moment
These magic instructions are just a special form of NOP instructions, so you can run the same
binaries outside of Simics on a real UltraSPARC.
If you have troubles compiling the sources, the last link points to an ISO image
which contains the binaries and input sets for most of the benchmarks.
Note that the threading model used in this distribution is Solaris-specific, so this will
not run on Linux. See the links below for how to run SPLASH-2 on Linux.
Also this distribution was only tested on UltraSPARC and Solaris 8/9.
It might work on
Solaris for x86-64, but I haven't had any reports on success or failure there, please let me know
if you tried!